Soldiers Of Light
"Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony, who's Tony?" "Thats me." Tony replied. "He's a Pastor, I tell you that right now. Get ready because your flock don't look too good. ​Your flock is in prison but God is going to bring them outside the bars. You are going to nurture them outside the bars." That was the word Pastor Tony Balding recieved from Prophet Kim Clement many years ago. One week later, Pastor Tony was standing in front of Soldiers Of Light Church praying for a person that had just been released from prison. Since that time, Pastor Tony and Soldiers Of Light Ministry have preached in many different prisons all over the United States. We have seen countless miracles, healings and deliverances in these prisons. Pastor Tony and Soldiers Of Light Ministry have also been heavily involved in street ministry all over the United States, where we have seen many miracles and healings. Pastor Tony has also preached at many churches all over the united states and along with the ministry team have brought the full power and the word of the true living God to other churches that have needed a lifting up or the fresh fire of God in there lifes. Pastor Tony's main vision is to see the Lord Jesus Christ golryfied in every aspect of life. Pastor Tony has seen the power of God and has seen many miracles and healings because of the power of the Lord, Jesus Christ. " It's all about Jesus." ... Pastor Tony's Favorite Quote.